About Us
Welcome to Emmanuel Lutheran Church, a friendly, diverse and inclusive community of faith that lives under the grace, forgiveness, and mercy of Jesus Christ. We are small in number, we are a bunch of sinners who are foolish enough to trust in the forgiveness of God and that God really does love us, no matter what. Our response is to that amazing love of God is to do our best to imitate Jesus in love and service to each other, our neighborhood, and our larger community.
Jesus claims us as his own for no other reason than that he loves all of creation, including humanity. Once we realize that we are claimed by Christ, we discover that we are gathered together as a church, and sent out for the sake of the world. As Lutheran Christians, we believe that God comes to us in the Scriptures, and in Jesus, who came to live on earth with us, and chose to give his life to break the bonds of sin, suffering, and evil that keep us stuck and helpless. We believe that God comes to us in Spirit—praying for us, and empowering us to become the love and presence of God to one another and to the world. We are people who believe that our hands and hearts exist to do God's work of restoring, reconciling and healing, in Jesus' name, throughout the world.
This is Christ's church. We gather for worship and Holy Communion every Sunday at 9:30 AM because we need forgiveness and fellowship. More than that, we gather to celebrate and give thanks to Jesus, who came back from the dead and rescued us from ourselves, who feeds and nurtures us—body, soul, and spirit. Our service is the traditional liturgy, followed by coffee and lively fellowship. Some of us come early or stay late for bible study. Sunday School is at 9:30 AM.
You are welcome here!